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jack11’s Page


Contact jack11

Views 3786

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Hello Everyone,
I am new here and still learning how everything works.
I am hoping to become a very active member soon!


Thanks for the welcome peoples!!
I'll be off noe to check out your spaces!!
This place is so neat!!

Previous Entry

Views:3612 Score:43


Heidi1: Glad to hear you like it here

Marilyn2: Welcome Jack!

gail1: nice to meet you Jack, Welcome

april1: you will have an awesome time here Jack. Welcome

Michelle1: Welcome Jack! I'm sure you will get your page just as colorful as your GG posts!! Luv em!!

Kat2: welcome Jack!!

Heidi2: welcome to this great site-enjoy!

Gloria1: welcome! lots of luck to u

MARGARET4: Welcome Jack have fun! gl

My Friends

Cindy1, Dolores1, Gloria1, Heidi1, Heidi1

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