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Get-A-Clue Word Game

Solve the word puzzle to play Pick-A-Tile. 10 blank tiles will be presented on the page. They will hide from 1 to 10 chances of winning the prize for this game. If you pick a winning tile - you win the prize. If you pick a losing tile - you lose the prize.

Recent Winners - Last Few Games

GameTitleSolvedClue / WordWin?Sponsor
851 TAG City Members Game sarah69
Plays: 7
NO WIN Trish1
850 TAG City Members Game marc9
Plays: 7
NO WIN Trish1
849 TAG City Members Game Laynie1
Plays: 1
NO WIN Trish1
848 TAG City Members Game anya1
Plays: 15

IMPORTANT: You only get one chance to type in a guess at the secret word. If your guess is wrong, you will be locked out of the remainder of this game.

Prize TOTAL is limited to 1 prize per 24 hour period. If there is more than one winner in a 24 hour period, all winners will share equally in the prize pool. Malfunction of this game will void all pays.
