TAG City Members Poll
Topic: Be rewarded with 1,000 to 10,000 TAG points for answering this Poll question: Have you ever participated in a Tournament at TAG City?Results: [1]

Source: TAG City Testimonials
This poll is open to all TAG members.
All votes are worth somewhere between 1000 and 10000 Points.
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John1 Voted for 1
Playing in TAG tournaments is the best way to win thousands of TAG points. It is free to participate so I don't know why more members don't do it.
CONNIE2 Voted for 1
I have played in a few,every chance I can
Warren1 Voted for 1
yes I have played in lots of tournaments and even won $25.00
Margaret4 Voted for 1
yes yes yes of course
Carol42 Voted for 1
I love the tournaments. They give great prizes and I like the compitition even if I don't win....
sandy4 Voted for 1
I love the tournaments and have won a few times so I keep on trying to win again!!
david120 Voted for 1
Good morning everyone! Really cool site! Good Luck!
renita1 Voted for 2
I have never done a tournament but I plan to do one soon.
mistisha1 Voted for 1
yes its fun playing
mary23 Voted for 1
Yes I have in the past, and omg was it fun!
JOSEPHINE3 Voted for 3
shirley7 Voted for 1
Before i went into hospital i was a platinum member why am i back to silver? and where are my points gone to?
heidi1 Voted for 1
I love the tournamnets, especailly the team tournaments
roger13 Voted for 2
Jerry1 Voted for 1
Go Friendless Jas
judy10 Voted for 1
i like the tournaments and i won a lot of points twice
bobbie7 Voted for 1
love em, however, I messed up one time now nobody wants me on their team....waaaa,waaaa
gail1 Voted for 1
I LOVE the tournaments,LOVE my team! Go BRATS!!!!!
deborah25 Voted for 1
tournaments are fun
Joan4 Voted for 1
Yes, I have participated many times. The tourneys are very challenging and fun. I especially like the tournaments where you can win lots of TAG points and there are several winners. Most of the Tournaments are open to all members, except the ones sponsored by Platninum members. Where else but TAG City do you have a chance to enter a Tournament free of charge. Two Thumbs Up John and TAG City! Keep those Tournaments coming!