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gail1’s Page


Contact gail1

Views 1136

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I can not be all things to all people I can only be the best me I can be. These are my 2 girl,Elizabeth(the older) and Tatiana

members picturemembers pictureKeep in mind those who don't have a big stick, just have a big mouth!


My life has been many things boring is not one of them, I won't let it be. If your bored then all I can tell you is get up ,get out, quit just existing and start living

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Views:400 Score:10


Dolores1: Hi Gail, nice to see you, and such a beautiful child!

Nan4: Hi, Gail! Life can never be Thank you so much for your kind words.hugs.

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Barbara16, Bobbie1, Cindy1, Dolores1, Dorothy1, Dorothy1, jack11, jack11, Jeffrey1, Jeffrey1, John2, Jyothisree1, Marilyn2, OnlineSlot1, Trish1, Winaday1

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