Hey, Guess What?
Are you still trying to figure out a Tag member's GoneGambling alias? I put together a list that matches up Tag names with GG names. It's not complete, but I will continue to add names as I figure them out...mssg me at Tag and tell me your GG name and I'll add it on.
Here's the roster LINK .....You'll get a GG POPUP GAME too!
Adagio Teas....the number one destination for tea online
Tea Starter Set...LINK
Our most popular gift item, combining an easy-to-use teapot and four samples of our best-selling teas. Discover the startling difference in aroma and taste between mass-market brands and our award-winning teas.
What makes our teapot unique? The most convenient teapot you will find anywhere - we guarantee it. When tea is ready, simply place it atop your cup. This will cause a valve at the bottom to release. Crystal-clear tea flows down, while the mesh filter retains all the leaves with one of the best infusers on the market. Super easy to clean and dishwasher safe. And it's microwaveable - perfect for the office or the road. You will wonder how you got along without one.
All for only $19.00... LINK
Available Starter Sets:
Black: earl grey bravo, english breakfast, irish breakfast & yunnan jig
Green: citron green, genmai cha, green pekoe & hojicha
Flavors: mango, oriental spice, strawberry & vanilla
Herbal: blood orange, chamomile, rooibos & spearmint
Free wrapping and 'Guide to Tea' book included with all gift sets...LINK
......Scroll Down for More on Tea......
Ever have one of
those days? ..........................................TAG TOONS!
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Who's After The Criminal?... LINK
Trish Gets In The Act.... LINK
After The Criminal 3, Guest Appearances of Gonegambling Celebs... LINK
 More On Tea...
All teas (except herbal) come from the same plant.
The differences stem from how they are processed.
How the tea leaves are processed will determine their final classification as black, green, and oolong teas. The main difference between the many tea varieties is how much oxygen the leaves are allowed to absorb during processing. Much oxygen produces dark-colored black teas. Little oxygen results in green tea. Unprocessed leaves are called white tea.
black tea
undergoes a full fermentation process composed of four basic steps - withering, rolling, fermenting, and firing (or drying). First, the plucked leaves are spread out to wither. The withered leaves are then rolled, in order to release the chemicals within the leaf that are essential to its final color and flavor. The rolled leaves are spread out once more to absorb oxygen (oxidize), causing the leaves to turn from green to coppery red. Finally, the oxidized leaves are fired in order to arrest fermentation, turning the leaf black and giving it the recognizable tea scent.
green tea
is often referred to as "unfermented" tea. The freshly picked leaves are allowed to dry, then are heat-treated to stop any fermentation (also referred to as oxidation). In China, traditional hand-making methods are still employed in many places, particularly in the manufacture of the finest green teas you'll find offered offered at Looky Lou's.
oolong tea
is generally referred to as "semi-fermented" tea and is principally manufactured in China and Taiwan (often called Formosa, its old Dutch name). For the manufacture of oolongs, the leaves are wilted in direct sunlight, then shaken in bamboo baskets to lightly bruise the edges. Next, the leaves are spread out to dry until the surface of the leaf turns slightly yellow. Oolongs are always whole leaf teas, never broken by rolling. The least fermented of oolong teas, almost green in appearance, is called Pouchong.
white tea
is produced on a very limited scale in China and India. It is the least processed of its many varieties. The new tea buds are plucked before they open and simply allowed to dry. The curled-up buds have a silvery appearance and produce a pale and very delicate cup of tea.
scented tea
is created when the additional flavorings are mixed with the leaf as a final stage before the tea is packed. For Jasmine tea, whole jasmine blossoms are added to green or oolong tea. Fruit-flavored teas are generally made by combining a fruit's essential oils with black tea from China or Sri Lanka.
Want to do a little experimenting? Looky Lou's has some of the most wonderful teas you'll ever try! To easily find them just click on this ]LINK.
Two Factors: Time and Temperature
Tea tastes best when consumed within a year after production. To shield tea against the damaging effects of air and light, it should be stored in opaque and airtight canisters. Metal tins seem to function best in this role. Most of our teas, including the sample tins, are available in the airtight, UV-blocking tins.
Suggested ratio is one teaspoon of leaves per cup of water. However, the light and voluminous teas will taste best with twice that. To steep, please use boiling water (212F) when preparing black, dark oolong and herbal teas. And it's important to use cooler (180F) water when steeping green, light oolong and white teas. And remember to not over-steep, or your tea will taste bitter. Rule of thumb is 5 min. for most black, 7 min. for dark oolong and white, and only 3 min. for light oolong and green teas.
Iced tea made from real leaves tastes great. And is very easy to make. Simply double the amount of tea leaves (making it two teaspoons per cup of water), and steep as usual (five minutes in most cases). Once tea is ready, dilute with an equal amount of cold water or ice. Garnish with mint or lemon, and enjoy its great taste.
Have you tried Rooibos Tea?
Rooibos (pronounced 'Roy-boss'), colloquially known as Red Tea, is an herbal plant that grows in South Africa. Rooibos is a flavorful, caffeine-free alternative to tea for those seeking to eliminate caffeine intake. Ours is a top-grade, organic African tea. Why don't you try the Rooibos Sampler? Here's the LINK
A little Humor...
Here's a joke my hip old Auntie sent me to share with you:
A 76-year-old man goes for a physical. All of his tests come back with normal results. The doctor says, 'Harry, everything looks great. How are you doing mentally and emotionally? Are you at peace with God?'
Harry replies, 'God and I are tight. He knows I have poor eyesight, so he's fixed it so when I get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, poof! The light goes on. When I'm done, poof! the light goes off.'
'Wow, that's incredible,' the doctor says. A little later in the day, the doctor calls Harry's wife. 'Ethel,' he says, 'Harry is doing fine! But I had to call you because I'm in awe of his relationship with God. Is it true that he gets up during the night and poof! the light goes on in the bathroom, and when he's done, poof! the light goes off?'
'Oh my God!' Ethel exclaims. 'He's peeing in the fridge again!
Like my page? I hope so, I enjoyed making it. Why don't you make one? It's fun and we can all get to know each other.
If you'd like some help or have questions about setting up your own personal page you can email me through Tag, I'd be happy to help. I'd be glad to add you to my buddy list too, just ask me...I won't bite.
-Dee :